6 Reasons Why Exercise Can Make You Happier

*Guest Blogger Post* Fitness and Happiness Enthusiast – Marlee Murdoch

why is exercise good for arthritis

Hello Positive Impact World! My name is Marlee Murdoch.  I am 21 years old and currently live in Laie, Hawaii with my amazing hubby Ty.  I am a student at BYU Hawaii studying exercise science.  I am a certified personal/group trainer with a huge love and passion for fitness, nutrition and all things health and happiness.  My mission is to change the world through helping others become their healthiest, happiest, most vibrant self.  I believe when we feel good, we do good.  And I truly feel that taking care of ourselves and our health is the best way to help us feel our best so we can do and be our best!

So, I have a question for you… why do you exercise? What’s your motivation?  Maybe your reason right now has to do with improving your appearance or loosing weight? This is a very common answer and is a great start. But, in order to keep long term dedication to a fitness and movement program to allow you to be your healthiest and happiest self for life we may need a little bit more motivation. This is why exercise is good for arthritis. Let’s dig a bit deeper to give you even more reason to get moving today!

why is exercise good for arthritis

Here are 6 reasons to inspire you to add more movement and exercise into your life


We all struggle with self confidence sometimes and that is totally okay and normal! We all know it’s extremely difficult to feel happy when we don’t feel confident.  Great news! Exercise is an incredible way to increase your confidence.  Doing things you never thought you could do is a fabulous confidence booster.  Try setting an attainable goal for yourself and watch your confidence sky rocket as you work towards and someday crush that goal!


why is exercise good for arthritis

Exercise is proven to boost brain power and productivity.  We all know we feel better and happier about our lives when we are being productive right?  I totally feel ya, sometimes it’s just extra hard to even get started.  Especially when you’ve been putting something off for days. IT can feel near impossible. Well, next time you are feeling this way I dare you to stand up, do 30 air squats or 20 push ups and then set a timer and tackle that task! Guarantee you’ll soon feel a little extra kick start and be ready to work!


Studies show that active people tend to feel more energized and less tired throughout the day than those who are less active.  If you don’t have time for a full hour, try squeezing in just a little extra movement throughout your day, add in a quick 10 minute high intensity session or even just take a brisk walk during your lunch break.  Trust me, a little extra movement can propel you through your day. A body in motion wants to stay in motion!

why is exercise good for arthritis


Fitness is all about the mental game.  When you push yourself through that oh-so-tough last set of burpees or squats, you are training your mind to be stronger just as you are training your body.  This new mental strength will transfer to all areas of your life.


It’s been found over and over again that physically active people have better sleep quality.  Waking up after a good nights rest sets you up for a productive, healthy, happy day.  Moving more throughout your day will help you catch more zzz’s at night.


WOOO! Exercising literally causes your body to release chemicals that contribute to you feeling less stress and more happy! Ever heard of a runners high? Yep, it’s a real thing!

Find your love for fitness!

why is exercise good for arthritis

Exercise is an amazing way to improve your life and overall happiness.  Just taking a little time out of your day can really help to make you feel your best. And when you feel your best, you will be a better, happier person and better able to love and take care of those around you.  So let’s do this! Try incorporating more movement into your life today! And don’t get so hung up on only doing the ‘’perfect, most intense and effective’’ workout from the latest magazine or movie star.  The most effective workout for you is the one you will do! We are all so different, so move in a way that feels good to YOU!  When you find a type of exercise you love, it stops being a chore and may even become your favorite part of the day.  Haven’t found something you love yet? Start trying new things! I really believe that there is a type of movement out there for every single person! Try a new hike, go swimming, try yoga, zumba, boxing, HIIT, barre, karate, pilates. The options are endless! Just never give up and keep trying new things and you will find your fitness soul mate for sure!


Stay happy and healthy, beautiful people!



If you want to follow more fitness inspiration follow @marleemurdockmoves on instagram.

All photos done by Gabriella Walton: Check out her photography @tawzer.creative