Juvenile Arthritis Book

“Arthritis in motion - Featuring Smiley Riley”

How it came to be


Kids Get Arthritis Too! It can be a shock to anyone to hear that their child has an incurable disease, especially arthritis. Arthritis is not just a disease that affects adult. In fact 300,000 children in the United State alone suffer with Juvenile Arthritis. A disease that causes inflamation in the joints causing pain, stiffness, and even deformity. There are severe cases which also effect the internal organs.

At the age of 15, author Hailey Daniels Krey, was diagnosed with Juvenile Arthritis. Her diagnosis was a shock to herself, family, and friends. At the time she struggled to find resources to help children in better understanding and coping with such a life-changing illness. As she came to know other families affected by Juvenile Arthritis, she came to understand the pain that many parents felt when their young son or daughter was diagnosed. They struggled to wrap their own head around the fact that their child had juvenile arthritis - let alone explain to their child the diagnosis.


Juvenile Arthritis Resource. After discovering how difficult it was to help children understand such a life changing diagnosis, Hailey wanted to create a resource to help children and parents cope and understand arthritis. She wanted to add to the juvenile arthritis stories of the world and help people know they they were not alone. She also found that many family members, teachers, coaches, and friends struggled to fully understand juvenile arthritis. Hailey desired to create a resource to explain arthritis in a simple way and help individuals see trials in a positive light. That is what lead her to the idea of Arthritis In Motion - juvenile arthritis book.

Writing the Book. Hailey worked closely with a number of individuals to ensure that this would be a resource to benefit children and families with arthritis. Children diagnosed with juvenile arthritis gave their feedback on the story-line and main character. With the help of Pediatric Rheumatologists at Primary Children’s Hospital the book includes a simple and clear explanation of juvenile arthritis, as well as recommended coping mechanisms to help children with juvenile arthritis. Parents and families assisted in editing the book and assuring that Arthritis In Motion featuring Smiley Riley would be a resource that would benefit families and children.


Kickstarter Campaign Success. After writing the book, Hailey ran a successful kickstarter campaign to fund the self-publishing of the juvenile arthritis children’s book. Arthritis In Motion featuring Smiley Riley is now being sold here and on Amazon. Hailey is in the process of sending books to hospitals across the United States. Books are currently being lent out to patients at Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake City. You can check out the kickstarter campaign here - and the video below explaining Hailey’s journey in writing Arthritis In Motion.